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Il ristorante “Il Carnevale”
Il ristorante “Il Carnevale”

Il ristorante “Il Carnevale”

il ristorante il carnevale

Se per caso vi trovaste a passare da Watford, nell’Hertfordshire poco a nord di Londra, potreste andare a mangiare al ristorante Il Carnevale che, come dice il sito, “has been serving authentic Italian food from the family run business for over 35 years and for the past 8 years has been proudly run by Luigi and Kim. Owner Luigi brings a vibrance to the establishment and offers you a warm welcome as you enter the restaurant – you’ll soon feel like one of the family! The restaurant buzzes at weekends as is well known in the area for the friendly banter and relaxed atmosphere”.

Il locale si trova al 195 di St.Albans Road.